Sunday, October 13, 2013

Blog Post #8

Blog Post #8

CQ Code's in the Classroom

By: Autumn Sprouse

The tool I have decided to use in my 21st centrury classroom is QR Codes. QR Codes are very user friendly and would be great for students at all ages to use. It would also make the classroom more interesting and learning more fun. An example of a QR Code is the barcode that is a square with little squares in it. It is very simple to make your own personal codes for the classroom. In Shannon Holden's video he explains how exactly to make a qr code. An example of using these codes in the classroom would be having a scavanger hunt around the room. They must find the first code to get the first question they are to answer. They then must go around the room and find the remaining codes and remaining questions. You could also put a math problem with the QR code and have them solve the problem when they scan the code. The students would scan the qr codes with a tablet provided to them by the teacher. There is an app for CQ codes that is free that every student would have to download. Also, every student in the classroom should have access to a tablet provided by the teacher or school board for them. This is a very fun way to have your students involved in the classroom and make them excited to learn!


By: Jessica Mose

Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers by engaging their classrooms with a series of educational exercises and games. Socrative runs on tablets, smartphones, and laptops. Teachers login through their device and select an activity which controls the flow of questions and games. Students simply login with their device and interact real time with the content. Student responses are visually represented for multiple choice, true/false and Short Answer questions. For pre-planned activities teachers can view reports online as a google spreadsheet or as an emailed Excel file. Socrative allows teachers to create their own questions within minutes. Teachers can design their own evaluation exercises in minutes by importing questions or inputting them on the website. The questions are automatically saved to your account, making it easy to access at any time. Once the exercises are completed, teachers will receive a report. The multiple choice will be graded for you. Questions can be multiple choice, short answer, or a combination of the two. It's your choice!


Teachers can take a snapshot of the students thinking through real time formative assessment. It's super easy to gather responses and get whole class participation. All you have to do is choose a question type, ask a question, and wait for responses. When the students are asked a T/F question, see the results, and discuss the choices as they come to life on the screen. If teachers present students with a MC (multiple choice) question and see the results populate the bar chart as students select their answer. Short Answer gather open ended responses to any question you ask. Instantly project the student responses and then let students vote on the content. Exit Tickets, check in on your students' understanding as they head out the door. Gather responses on their comfort with the material as well as answers to questions you create in real time or prepare before class.


  1. Autumn, I really enjoyed reading your informative blog post about QR codes. I had no idea you could use bar codes for educational purposes! Your post certainly taught me something new and I believe you chose an interesting tool to tell us about. You provided your audience with great information and your post was well done. Are there any other ways you might use the QR codes in your classroom besides the scavenger hunt? I would love to know because I think this is a great learning tool to use in your lesson plan. Good job and keep up the great work!

  2. There are a lot of options for QR Codes. Real Time Formative Assessment seems very convenient!
